Thursday, October 14, 2010

10 Misconceptions About STDs

Call 1-877-638-2728 to speak to one of our counselors for free. They will be able to address any questions or concerns that you may have.

Here are some of the most common statements made about sexually transmitted infections. See how many of these statements you believe are true:

1. If I don’t have any symptoms, I can’t have an STD.

2. If my partner and I get HIV tests and we are negative, then we don’t have to worry about using condoms.

3. When I got my yearly Pap smear, my doctor would have told me if anything were wrong.

4. If I use a condom, I can’t get an STD.

5. Oral sex is safe. I can’t get an STD with oral sex so I don’t need to use a condom.

6. Only promiscuous people get STDs.

7. I had Chlamydia before, and I had symptoms. Since I don’t have any symptoms now, that means I don’t have an STD.

8. Douching after sex will help protect me from getting an STD.

9. People with herpes always have symptoms.

10. I can’t transmit herpes if I don’t have an outbreak.

If you assumed these are true statements, you are not alone; however, all these statements are false.

Call us toll free at 1-877-638-2728 to speak with a counselor for further information. Or visit us at