Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10 Things to Know About STDs

Are you having safe sex? If you answered “Sometimes” or “I think so,” consider these scary statistics: The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases occur each year in the U.S., and almost half are among 15- to 24-year-olds. Shocked? It gets worse. More than 50% of people worldwide will become infected with an STD in their lifetime. If you still think it can’t happen to you, here are 10 things you need to know about STDs…

1. Women are more susceptible to STDs than men…It has nothing to do with promiscuity. Women are more vulnerable to infection than men because of anatomy. It’s easier for men to transmit infections to women than vice versa. STDs are also more difficult to detect in women.

2. There are more than 25 known STDs. The most common STDs are Chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, genital herpes, HIV, human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis, pubic lice/crabs, and trichomoniasis. Since 1980, more than eight new STDs, including HIV/AIDS, have been identified. Infections can be viral, bacterial or parasitic.

3. STDs can be transmitted through oral sex.  Contrary to popular belief, having oral sex doesn’t mean you’re playing it safe. In fact, having unprotected oral sex puts you at especially high risk for gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and hepatitis B. Always use a condom when having oral sex with a new partner. Female condoms can also help reduce the risk of STDs, and should be used when receiving oral sex.
STDs can be contracted through vaginal, anal and oral sex. They travel from person to person through semen, vaginal fluids and blood. Some STDs can also enter the body through tiny cuts or tears in the mouth, genitals or anus.

4. STDs are treatable, but not all are curable.  Bacterial STDs like Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis can be cured. Viral STDs like herpes, hepatitis B, HIV, HPV, and genital warts are incurable, though they can be managed.
Living with an STD affects not only your physical health, but it affects you emotionally, too. It can also take a toll on your romantic relationships. If you have an STD, tell any potential partners before having sexual contact with them. Be straightforward and honest. In some states, it’s a criminal offense if you don’t! And before you have sex with a new partner, you should both get tested.

5. Some STDs are asymptomatic.  Since certain diseases have no visible symptoms, you may not know that you or your partner has been infected. Chlamydia, for example, is especially asymptomatic. Likewise, it can take up to 10 years or more for women to develop the symptoms of HIV. The time it takes for an STD to appear depends on the type of STD contracted.
STD symptoms are often similar to those caused by other infections, so it’s easy to mistake them for conditions like yeast infections or urinary tract infections. Remember: You don’t need to see symptoms for an STD to be contagious. Because many STDs are asymptomatic and women don’t get treated, it’s hard to know how many people become infected each year.

6. Untreated STDs can have serious health consequences…Women suffer more frequent and serious health complications from STDs than men do. And by the time women notice symptoms or see a doctor, complications from the untreated infection may already have jeopardized their health.
STDs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), cervical cancer, liver disease, and infertility. Some can be passed from mother to baby before, during or after birth. Pregnant women with STDs are also at a higher risk for tubal pregnancies, miscarriages and premature delivery. In a worst-case scenario, untreated syphilis can lead to death in women.

7. Chlamydia is the most commonly reported infectious disease in the
U.S. The CDC estimates that 2.8 million new cases of Chlamydia are contracted each year. Most go undiagnosed. Chlamydia infects the cervix, making adolescent girls most susceptible since their cervix is changing during puberty.
The majority of women with Chlamydia have no symptoms. Left untreated, Chlamydia can cause PID, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Fortunately, if detected early, Chlamydia can be easily cured with antibiotics since it is a bacterial infection.

8. Most doctors don’t routinely screen for STDs. The American Social Health Association reports that less than one-third of physicians routinely screen patients for STDs. And don’t assume a normal Pap test gives you a clean bill of health. A Pap smear only detects changes in cervical cells; it doesn’t test for specific diseases. However, an abnormal pap smear may indicate HPV, and further tests may be done. Ask your doctor what your exam will entail and request relevant testing if you’re sexually active.

9. Condoms aren’t a 100% guarantee against STDs…They’re not failsafe, but aside from abstinence, condoms are the best and only protection against STDs. Use a new latex condom every time you have oral, anal or vaginal sex with a new partner outside of a monogamous relationship.

10. About 50% of sexually active women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives…Out of 100 strains of HPV, about 30 are sexually transmitted. About 10 are “high risk” and can lead to cervical cancer. “Low risk” types may cause genital warts.
Most will never know they have it because the immune system can eliminate the less aggressive forms of HPV on its own. However, more aggressive strains of HPV will stick around and cause multiple health problems, like cervical cancer. The only way to detect HPV is through a Pap smear, where pre-cancerous changes in the cervix are visible.
If you have any questions, please call 1-877-638-2728 to speak to a trained counselor.  They will be able to help you out in any way they can.  Or visit us at

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Few Things About STDs

A lot of people believe that if they haven’t had sex they cannot receive an STD. The truth is that STDs can be contracted through oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse. If someone has had any of these types of intercourse it might be a good idea to get tested.

But if you’re not showing any signs of symptoms there’s no need to get tested, right? Wrong, many STDs progress without showing symptoms in certain individuals. While not having any symptoms is a great sign, nevertheless it is probably a good idea to get tested if you’ve had any risky sexual behaviors.
Keep in mind that condoms, when used correctly, do a great job of protecting people against STDs. However, things like herpes that are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact can still be contracted even when using a condom. For that reason you should always be aware of symptoms that may exist where the condom did not cover. Herpes can also be carried orally in the form of a cold sore. While cold sores are common and not something to be worried about, it is important to be aware of them on yourself or on partners because they can transmit the type-1 herpes virus through skin-to-skin contact as well.

Carrying on or starting a relationship with an STD can be difficult or uncomfortable in some situations.  A suggestion for getting through this is to be knowledgeable about your STD. The more you know about it, the better you will be able to inform your partners and make smart decisions. If you have a current partner at the time of diagnosis, they should be tested and treated as well for the STD. If the STD is incurable, stay adherent to the medication and make sure you inform any potential partners of your infection before any sexual contact.

If you decide to do some testing, make sure you are open and honest about any symptoms, possible exposures, or recent partners you’ve had when you speak with someone. They use this information to make sure you are doing the right tests at the right time so you don’t receive any false results.

If you have any questions please call and speak to one of our trained counselors for free at 1-877-638-2728.  They will be able to help you out in any way they can.  Or you can visit us at

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10 Misconceptions About STDs

Call 1-877-638-2728 to speak to one of our counselors for free. They will be able to address any questions or concerns that you may have.

Here are some of the most common statements made about sexually transmitted infections. See how many of these statements you believe are true:

1. If I don’t have any symptoms, I can’t have an STD.

2. If my partner and I get HIV tests and we are negative, then we don’t have to worry about using condoms.

3. When I got my yearly Pap smear, my doctor would have told me if anything were wrong.

4. If I use a condom, I can’t get an STD.

5. Oral sex is safe. I can’t get an STD with oral sex so I don’t need to use a condom.

6. Only promiscuous people get STDs.

7. I had Chlamydia before, and I had symptoms. Since I don’t have any symptoms now, that means I don’t have an STD.

8. Douching after sex will help protect me from getting an STD.

9. People with herpes always have symptoms.

10. I can’t transmit herpes if I don’t have an outbreak.

If you assumed these are true statements, you are not alone; however, all these statements are false.

Call us toll free at 1-877-638-2728 to speak with a counselor for further information. Or visit us at